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the air car 氣車(以後不用汽油)

级别: 总版主
 After fourteen years of reserch and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to CAT vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.
   As well, the application of the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles. The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licences and patents all over the world. p 4Y 2AQ9  
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-29 1:22:18编辑过]
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2007-03-29
MDI CAT´s compressed air technology cars. E T 2@dY~  

MDI introduces compressed air vehicles to the market.

    MDI has developed a high performance compressed air technology. When it is compared to traditional gasoline powered engines, MDI´s engine is far superior in terms of energy used and thermodynamics.

An overview of the air car v8!Ts"  

    The technology that MDI vehicles use is not new, in fact it had been around for years. Compressed air technology allows for engines that are both non polluting and economical. After ten years of research and development, MDI is prepared to introduce its clean vehicles onto the market. Unlike electric or hydrogen powered vehicles, MDI vehicles are not expensive and do not have a limited driving range. MDI cars are affordable and have a performance rate that stands up to current standards. To sum it up, they are non-expensive cars that do not pollute and are easy to get around cities in.

    Two technologies have been developed to meet different needs:
  • Single energy compressed air engines
  • Dual energy compressed air plus fuel engines
    The single energy engines will be available in both Minicats and Citycats. These engines have been conceived for city use, where the maximum speed is 50 km/h and where MDI believes polluting will soon be prohibited. It is already possible see examples of this in some places, such as London, where you want to enter the city center with gasoline powered vehicles, you must pay a fee.

    The duel energy engine, on the other hand, has been conceived as much for the city as the open road and will be available in all MDI vehicles. The engines will work exclusively with compressed air while it is running under 50 km/h in urban areas. But when the car is used outside urban areas at speeds over 50 km/h, the engines will switch to fuel mode. The engine will be able to use gasoline, gas oil, bio diesel, gas, liquidized gas, ecological fuel, alcohol, etc.

    Both engines will be available with 2, 4 and 6 cylinders, When the air tanks are empty the driver will be able to switch to fuel mode, thanks to the car\'s on board computer.
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2007-03-29


级别: 总版主
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2007-03-29
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A spacious car with seats which can face different directions. The vehicle´s design is based on the needs of a typical family.

Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Max load:  500 Kg
Recharge time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharge time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the family model

Photo of the van model Top lm6hFvEZ  


Designed for daily use in industrial, urban or rural environments, whose primary drivers would be tradesmen, farmers and delivery drivers.

Airbag, air conditioning, ABS, 2 seats, 1.5 m3.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI Van

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Photo of the Taxi model

Inspired by the London Taxi, with numerous ergonomic and comfort advantages for the passenger as well as for the driver.

Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI taxiI

× Top .G8>UXX  


The "pleasure" car: designed for excursions, outdoor sports or water sports. Also suitable for tradesmen and small businesses.
Airbag, air condtioning, 2 seats.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI pick-up

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Mini Cat\'s

The smallest and most innovative: three seats, minimal dimensions with the boot of a saloon: a great challenge for such a small car which runs on compressed air. The Minicat is the city car of the future.

Airbag, air conditioning, ABS, 3 seats, 1.5 m3.
Dimensions:2.65m, 1.62m, 1.64m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  270 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recarga:3 minutes (Air station)
   Click to enlarge photo.

× Top 0&UG=q  
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2007-03-29
9 Zos;  

A spacious car with seats which can face different directions. The vehicle´s design is based on the needs of a typical family.

Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Max load:  500 Kg
Recharge time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharge time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the family model

Photo of the van model Top ;j T{< Y  


Designed for daily use in industrial, urban or rural environments, whose primary drivers would be tradesmen, farmers and delivery drivers.

Airbag, air conditioning, ABS, 2 seats, 1.5 m3.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI Van

Photo of the Taxi model

Inspired by the London Taxi, with numerous ergonomic and comfort advantages for the passenger as well as for the driver.

Airbag, air conditioning, 6 seats.
  .B^ tEBGVD  
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI taxiI

× Top [ (Y@  


The "pleasure" car: designed for excursions, outdoor sports or water sports. Also suitable for tradesmen and small businesses.
Airbag, air condtioning, 2 seats.
Dimensions:3.84m, 1.72m, 1.75m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  500 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recharging time:3 minutes (Air station)
Photo of the MDI pick-up

× Top `_DA!  

Mini Cat\'s

The smallest and most innovative: three seats, minimal dimensions with the boot of a saloon: a great challenge for such a small car which runs on compressed air. The Minicat is the city car of the future.

Airbag, air conditioning, ABS, 3 seats, 1.5 m3.
  hB 'rkjt  
Dimensions:2.65m, 1.62m, 1.64m
Weight:750 kg
Maximum speed:110 kmh
Mileage:200 - 300 km
Maximum load:  270 Kg
Recharging time:  4 hours (Mains connector)
Recarga:3 minutes (Air station)
   Click to enlarge photo.

级别: 总版主
只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2007-03-29
法國    研製出首部環保「氣車」,毋須任何燃料,純粹靠壓縮空氣推動,每架約售8萬港元。

廣 告




级别: 总版主
只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2007-03-29
纷纷万事 直道而行
级别: 禁止发言
只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2007-03-29

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