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转帖 4G15  18  92 93  64 的一些关系

级别: 论坛版主
第一代4G92发动机开发与80年代末九十年代初。1991年装载于当时三菱的一台性能小车MIRAGE,其后在这个基础上衍生出好几个版本,其中4G92 MIVEC是1996年后的主力产品(MIVEC类似与VTEC技术)。型 号 4G92 4G92 4G92 SOHC DOHC MIVEC 排 气 量 1597 1597 1597 最大马力(PS/RPM) 113/6000 124/6000 175/7500 最大扭力(Kg-m/RPM) 13.6/5000 15.4/5000 17.0/7000 压缩比 10.0 11.0 11.0 m~Pk ]~j  
4G92除了上述三个衍生款之外,另外还有涡轮增压和GDI(缸内直喷)技术的版本。但不管哪一种衍生型号,发动机本体都是一样的,发动机的缸径和行程也是一样的,只有那颗汽缸头是不一样的。所以,国外比较内行的改装迷他们会到日本进口4G92的汽缸头和活塞连杆来为自己的LANCER进行改装。值得一书的是175匹马力的MIVEC(三菱可变气门技术),虽然马力超出基本版本60匹以上,但油耗却不增加,这款发动机在当时是十分先进的。   Cl3vp_  
2000年三菱特别为亚洲市场开发出4G18这个型号的发动机,分为台湾版和大陆版,以下列出台湾版和大陆版的技术参数:型 号 4G18台湾版 4G18大陆版凸轮轴形式 SOHC SOHC 排 气 量 1584 1598 最大马力(PS/RPM) 110/6000 100/6000 最大扭力(Kg-m/RPM) 14.2/2750 13.6/4500 压缩比 10.0 10.0    )>h3IR  
可以看出4G18是在第一代SOHC 4G92基础上开发的简化产品。主要在于最大扭力的引擎转数比较小,功率也有所降低。这就是为什么很多赛马的车主改装发动机要选用第一代日本原装SOHC 4G92的原因。   /{buFX2"}  
对照台湾和大陆版本,大家又可以发现台湾版的4G18不论是马力或扭力的表现都优于大陆的版本。两具发动机的缸体是一样的,为什么参数和排量却不同?这是因为台湾版汽缸头和活塞的设计不同,另外在进气系统方面也有着明显的不同。 aW:*!d#  
台湾版菱帅4G18采取了长行程的设计,所以最大扭力发生的转速较低,这种设计可以使得起步加速比较快,适合城市拥挤的道路,所以台湾版菱帅配置六速手自一体变速箱,以获得起步有力,高速有劲且省油的均衡。大陆版4G18采取的是短行程的设计,缺点是起步加速较慢,但中高速加速灵敏,所以大陆版配置的是四速手自一体变速箱,这样助于降低成本。    W\B@0Iso  
在中国三菱发动机由沈阳航天三菱汽车发动机制造有限公司和哈尔滨东安汽车发动机制造有限公司生产。沈阳航天三菱是由中国、日本、马来西亚三国五家公司合资组成成立于1996年,是国家领导人关心的重点项目,主要引进生产4G6X。东安在2001年引进并生产4G18/4G13系列发动机,2006年就创下了年产销发动机15万台,2007年自主开发了新一代4G15发动机。   ~Fvz&dO  
1.5L:4G15 4%v-)HGh  
1.6L:4G92、4G18 qzY:>>d'  
1.8L:4G93 _Nu Hz  
2.0L:4G94、4G63 K#v@bu:'  
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 21楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
Inline-four engine 大家族族谱 y"SVZ} ;|  
4G1 t)O$W   
The Mitsubishi Orion or 4G1 engine is series of straight-4 internal combustion engines introduced by Mitsubishi Motors in the 1970s, along with the Astron, Sirius, and Saturn. It was introduced in the Colt and Colt-derived models in 1978. Displacement ranges from 1.2 L to 1.6 L. ;X ]+r$_  
4G3 )Fh+6  
The Mitsubishi Saturn or 4G3 engine is series of straight-4 internal combustion engines introduced by Mitsubishi Motors in 1969, along with the Astron, Orion, and Sirius. Displacement ranges from 1.2 L to 1.8 L. v&p|9C@  
4G4 B8){  
The Mitsubishi Neptune or 4G4 engine is a series of iron-block OHV straight-4 engines built by Mitsubishi Motors from 1971 to 1979, alongside the Orion, Saturn, Astron and Sirius. This was to be Mitsubishi's last OHV engine. The inability to clear new emissions rules for 1978 meant that the Neptunes were replaced by the 4G1 Orion. K( : NshM  
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4G5 U($bR|%D  
The Mitsubishi Astron or 4G5 engine, is a series of straight-4 internal combustion engines first built by Mitsubishi Motors in 1972. Engine displacement ranged from 1.8 to 2.6 litres, making it one of the largest four-cylinder engines of its time. :G3PdQb^  
It employed a hemispherical cylinder head, chain-driven single overhead camshaft (SOHC) and eight valves (two per cylinder). United States passenger car versions had a small secondary intake valve referred to as the "Jet Valve". This valve induced swirl in the intake charge, enabling the use of leaner fuel/air mixtures for lower emissions. It was designed as a cartridge containing the valve spring and seat which simply screwed into a threaded hole in the head, similar to a spark plug but inside the cam cover. The rocker arms for the intake valve were widened on the valve end to accommodate the cartridge, which was equipped with a very soft valve spring in order to avoid wear on the camshaft intake lobe. Modifications to the head were thereby reduced as the Jet Valve negated the necessity for a three-valve-per-cylinder design.[1] t zn1|  
In 1975, the Astron 80 introduced a system dubbed "Silent Shaft": the first use of twin balance shafts in a modern engine. It followed the designs of Frederick Lanchester, whose original patents Mitsubishi had obtained, and proved influential as Fiat/Lancia, Saab and Porsche all licenced this technology. B*0TM+  
4G6 7|@FN7]5NF  
这个作为三菱最著名的系列就不需要多说了, 红头4G63已经成为了传奇。 qdPmTaak  
4G8 F05]6NVv  
这个系列是3G8的私生子, 唯一的成员是4G82 lqcPV) n  
4G9 hZ|8mV  
The Mitsubishi 4G9 engine is a series of straight-4 automobile engines produced by Mitsubishi Motors. All are 16-valve, and use both single- and double- overhead camshaft heads. Some feature MIVEC variable valve timing, and it was the first modern gasoline direct injection engine upon its introduction in August 1996. o?d`o$  
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4A3 Ri3*au/Q  
The Mitsubishi 4A3 engine is a range of alloy-headed inline four-cylinder engines from Mitsubishi Motors, introduced in 1993 in the sixth generation of their Mitsubishi Minica kei car. OX}ZdM!&f  
A 1.1 L version was made available in 1999 for bigger cars, and was subsequently fitted to the Mitsubishi Pistachio, a limited production car based on the kei class Minica, equipped with the company's Automatic Stop-Go (ASG) system for cutting the engine when idling. So equipped, the Pistachio was able to record fuel economy figures of 30 km/L. R8|F qBs  
4A9 YVO~ 0bX:  
The Mitsubishi 4A9 engine is the newest family range of all-alloy inline four-cylinder engines from Mitsubishi Motors, introduced in the 2004 version of their Mitsubishi Colt supermini, and built by DaimlerChrysler-owned MDC Power in Germany (previously a joint venture).[1][2] G EAVc9V  
The engine project was begun as a joint effort by Mitsubishi Motors and DaimlerChrysler (DCX), with Mitsubishi handling the development of the engines and MDC Power GmbH, a company previously jointly established by Mitsubishi and DCX, handling production. The 4A9 is Mitsubishi's first four-cylinder engine family to adopt a high-pressure die-cast aluminum block.[1][3] \JGRd8S[  
All engines developed within this family have aluminum cylinder block and head, four valves per cylinder, double overhead camshaft layouts, and MIVEC continuous variable valve timing (intake only). Jm}zit:o  
4B1 vM2\tL@"  
The Mitsubishi 4B1 engine is a range of all-alloy straight-4 engines built at Mitsubishi's Japanese "World Engine" powertrain plant in Shiga on the basis of the Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance (GEMA).[1][2][3] Although the basic designs of the various engines are the same, their exact specifications are individually tailored for each partner (Chrysler, Mitsubishi, and Hyundai). The cylinder block and other basic structural parts of the engine were jointly developed by the GEMA companies, but the intake and exhaust manifolds, the cylinder head’s intake and exhaust ports, and other elements related to engine tuning were independently developed by Mitsubishi.
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 20楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
纷纷万事 直道而行
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 19楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
除了 4g1 4g6 4g9以外 4g 家族还包括4g3 4g4 4g5 4g8几个分支 只是这几个系列从来没在中国出现过 所以也几乎没有人知道他们的存在 {K|{a  
而作为直列四缸大家族的新成员 4A9 和 4B1 他们拥有三菱最先进的技术,很有可能作为4g1和4g6的接班人活跃与三菱未来的各种中小排量车辆中。
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 18楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
4G69 ^4[\-L8Lpq  
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The 4G69 is a 2378 cc version built in Shiga, Japan. Bore is 87 mm and stroke is 100 mm. Output is 162 hp (119 kW) at 5750 rpm (160 in the Sportback Wagon) with 162 ft·lbf (219 N·m) of torque at 4000 rpm. It has a cast iron engine block and an aluminum SOHC cylinder head. It uses multi-point fuel injection, has 4 valves per cylinder with roller followers and features forged steel connecting rods, a one-piece cast camshaft, and a cast aluminum intake manifold. The 4G69 incorporates Mitsubishi's MIVEC Variable Valve Timing technology. The 4G69 is an interference motor like the 4G63.
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 17楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
4G64 t)Q @sKT6  
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The 4G64 is the second largest variant, at 2,351 cc. Early models were 8-valve SOHC, but a later 16-valve SOHC and DOHC version was also produced. All used MPFI and had an 86.5 mm bore and 100 mm stroke. The 4G64 was later also available with gasoline direct injection. The version used in the Chrysler Sebring/Stratus coupes produced 152 hp (110 kW) at 5500 rpm with 162 ft·lbf (214 N·m) of torque at 4000 rpm. The Chrysler version features fracture-split forged powder metal connecting rods. The 4G64 is an interference motor like the 4G63, however, the early 8-valve 4G64 is a non interference engine.
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 16楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
4G63 N75 3  
The 4G63 was a 1997 cc version. (85 mm bore x 88 mm stroke) SOHC and DOHC were produced. The DOHC version was introduced in 1987 in the Japanese market Galant VR-4 and came in turbocharged or naturally aspirated form. It is found in various models including the 1988-92 Galant VR-4 and the U.S. market 1990-1999 Eclipse, as well as the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I-IX. {D_++^  
An SOHC carbureted 8v version(engine code g63b) was also available in Mitsubishi Mighty Max and Dodge Ram50 Pickup trucks from 1987-1989 V";mWws+?#  
The SOHC version was used in Mitsubishi Galant models until 1993. It has 76 kW of output and 157 NM of torque at 4750 rpm. w Y8@1>ah  
Also, the SOHC version is produced until the late 90s and early 2000 and it is used in Mitsubishi cars like the Montero and the 2.0L 2-door Pajero with an output of 101kW at 4700 rpm. Also the N33 and N83 Spacewagon (UK market) in single cam 16 valve format. ToV6lS"  
The Mitsubishi Eclipse, Eagle Talon and Plymouth Laser introduced the DOHC turbocharged intercooled version to the U.S. in 1989 through Diamond Star Motors, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Motors and the Chrysler Corporation. From 1990 to late April 1992 came beefier connecting rods and the use of 6 bolts to secure the flywheel to the crankshaft; May 1992 to 2006 Evolution versions have lighter rods and use 7 bolts to secure the flywheel to the crankshaft. They are referred to as the "six bolt" and "seven bolt" engines, respectively. 1@xP(XS  
'_V #;DI  
Output for the 2003 Japanese/US Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution is 271 hp (202 kW) at 6500 rpm with 273 ft·lbf (370 N·m) of torque at 3500 rpm. It has a cast iron engine block and aluminum DOHC cylinder head. It uses multi-point fuel injection, has 4 valves per cylinder, is turbocharged and intercooled and features forged steel connecting rods. TjxA#D)   
In the United Kingdom, a special Lancer Evolution, the FQ-400, produces 302.13 kW (405.2 hp), from a 4G63 engine. At 202.6 hp (151.3 kW) per liter, it has the highest specific output per liter of any production engine. 7NJFWz!  
[edit] Racing ,(N[*)G  
Its turbocharged variant, 4G63T (also sometimes referred to simply as the 4G63), has powered Mitsubishi vehicles in World Rally Championships for years in the Mitsubishi Galant VR-4, Lancer Evolution, Carisma GT and Lancer WRC04. It was the powerplant of the Lancer Evolution when Tommi Mäkinen won his four consecutive WRC championships in his Lancer. MHI and T-4 turbos were both used as power plants for these engines.
级别: 苍海长老
只看该作者 15楼 发表于: 2011-11-28
4G62 /YAJbr  
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The larger 1.8 L 4G62 was an SOHC 8-valve unit for longitudinal rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive use. With an 80.6 x 88.0 mm bore / stroke, it displaced 1,795 cc. It was available either in carburetor form, multi-point fuel injection, or ECI Turbo as found in the Lancer EX 1800GSR or 1800GT, and Cordia GSR.

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