Wishing you a Very Happy New Year 9^QiFgJ
For Last year’s words belong to last year’s language… uOUgU$%zqH
And next year’s words await another voice… 8Yc'4v#}
And to make an end is to make a beginning no_;^Ou?
Happy New Year 2010 7niZ`doBA
8p D$/
New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspiration, \jA#RF.W
New is the resolution, new are the spirit and lo!^h]iE !
Forever my warm wishes are for u. 8MQb5( !
Have a promising & fulfilling New Year Cer&VMrQK
Be always at war with your vices do.AesdXaq
At peace with your neighbours 5,R4:y ?cK
And boq=@Qh
Let each new year find you a better person b:5-0uxjs
PN3 Qxi4F
Happy New Year 2010 PJ)l{c