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欧蓝德 or 森林人

级别: 论坛版主
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 11楼 发表于: 2014-09-20
40码以下全油门60:40 ,40码以上全油门75:25,均速85:15,这是4WD一Auto。这不就是森林人ACT-4宣传的全时四驱么
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 10楼 发表于: 2014-09-20
Mitsubishi’s AWC philosophy for the second generation Outlander introduced in 2005 combines an electronically controlled four-wheel drive with an Active Skid and Traction Control (ASTC) system. Mitsubishi used an aluminum roof to lower the center of gravity for better handling response. The Outlander is also available with standard front-wheel drive layout that also included the ASTC system. The previous Outlander employed a 50:50 full-time four-wheel drive system using a viscous coupling center differential. Mitsubishi decided to use the AWC system on the new Outlander that offers three vehicle drive modes and proactively reduces the likelihood of wheel slippage.[20]

The driver can use a drive-mode dial on the center console to select “FWD” for best fuel economy; with “4WD Auto” mode selected, the system uses a rear-mounted electronically controlled transfer clutch to automatically and seamlessly route more power to the rear wheels, depending on driving and road surface conditions. The driver can freely change the drive mode at any time. When “4WD Auto” mode is selected, the Outlander's 4WD system always sends some power to the rear wheels, automatically increasing the amount under full throttle acceleration. The coupling transfers up to forty percent of available torque to the rear wheels under full-throttle acceleration, and this is reduced to twenty five percent over 40 miles per hour. At steady cruising speeds, up to fifteen percent of available torque is sent to the rear wheels. At low speeds through tight corners, coupling torque is reduced, providing a smoother feel through the corner.[20]

For driving in particularly challenging conditions, such as snow, the driver can select “4WD Lock” mode. In Lock mode, the system still apportions front and rear torque automatically, but enables greater power transfer to the rear wheels. In dry conditions, 4WD Lock mode places priority on performance. More torque is directed to the rear wheels than in 4WD Auto mode to provide greater power off the line, better control when accelerating on snowy or loose surfaces, and enhanced stability at high speeds. Rear wheel torque transfer is increased by 50 percent over the amounts in 4WD Auto mode – meaning up to 50 percent of available torque is sent to the rear wheels under full-throttle acceleration on dry pavement. When in 4WD Lock mode, torque at the rear wheels is reduced by a smaller degree through corners than with 4WD Auto mode.[20]

The new Outlander features standard ASTC system on all models, unlike the previous-generation. ASTC helps to prevent side slipping (spin and side drift) as a result of sudden steering wheel operation or on slippery roads. Overall vehicle stability is enhanced in all driving conditions. In front-wheel drive Outlander models – and under all driving modes in four-wheel drive models – ASTC helps keep the vehicle traveling in the driver’s intended direction. The ASTC system takes data input from a number of sensors, including steering angle, individual wheel speed and yaw, as well as from the powertrain electronic control unit (ECU). When it detects side-slipping or wheel spin, ASTC provides integrated control of brakes, engine torque (via the electronic throttle control), transmission and electronically controlled four-wheel drive to improve vehicle stability.[20]
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2014-09-19
纷纷万事 直道而行
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2014-09-19
级别: 论坛版主
只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2014-09-16
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2014-09-16
投诉编号    投诉品牌    投诉车系    投诉车型    投诉简述    典型故障    投诉时间    投诉状态
61111    铃木(进口)    超级维特拉    2012款 2.4L 自动 豪华导航版    进口铃木超级维特拉行驶中有口哨声    变速器异响配件争议其他原因    2014-7-15    厂家受理厂家受理
49041    铃木(进口)    超级维特拉    2012款 2.4L 自动 豪华导航版    进口铃木超级维特拉行驶中有口哨声    变速器异响    2014-2-18    用户评分用户评分
34095    铃木(进口)    超级维特拉    2011款 超级维特拉 2.4L AT 豪华导航5门版    铃木超级维特拉新车行驶变速箱异响    变速器异响    2013-7-2    信息审核信息审核
16112    铃木(进口)    超级维特拉    2007款 超级维特拉 2.0 AT 5门豪华型    铃木超级维特拉汽油泵故障问题    车身附件及电器汽油泵故障    2012-7-20    厂家受理厂家受理
纷纷万事 直道而行
级别: 总版主
只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2014-09-16

投诉编号    投诉品牌    投诉车系    投诉车型    投诉简述    典型故障    投诉时间    投诉状态
62731    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2013款 2.4L 四驱 5座 豪华导航版    三菱欧蓝德EX金属件严重生锈    车身附件及电器车身生锈    2014-8-2    信息审核信息审核
42369    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2013款 2.0L 两驱 5座 运动导航版    三菱欧蓝德EX低速行驶时经常熄火    发动机熄火    2013-11-27    信息审核信息审核
41104    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2010款 欧蓝德EX 劲界 2.4L 时尚版    三菱欧蓝德刚过质保期变速箱就出现异响    变速器异响    2013-11-7    信息审核信息审核
26639    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2010款 欧蓝德EX 劲界 2.0L 运动版    三菱欧蓝德车右反光镜在行驶中有风哨声    车身附件及电器车身异响    2013-3-21    信息审核信息审核
19133    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2008款 欧蓝德OUTLANDER 2.4 AT 时尚版    三菱欧蓝德EX轮毂镀铬全部脱落    车身附件及电器漆面起泡    2012-10-24    厂家受理厂家受理
19047    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2008款 欧蓝德OUTLANDER 2.4 AT 时尚版    三菱欧蓝德EX轮毂镀铬全部脱落    车身附件及电器漆面起泡    2012-10-21    厂家受理厂家受理
11857    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2010款 欧蓝德EX 劲界 2.4L 时尚版    三菱欧蓝德EX排气筒异响问题    车身附件及电器排气管异响    2012-3-29    信息审核信息审核
1198    三菱(进口)    欧蓝德EX    2009款 欧蓝德OUTLANDER EX 2.4 AT 舒适版    三菱欧蓝德2年7万公里就要更换变速箱    变速器异响    2010-9-15    信息审核信息审核
纷纷万事 直道而行

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