Q;$k?G=l E:x@O8F x
vs=T 哪位兄弟的?如果一直在论坛潜水麻烦浮出水面!
Zo<)r2|O. }gkLO
TJ/, [Arf!W-QG 咱北京什么时候都有了M号段?!
EB[T 5{ sF
{,n0<8 ?@ oF@AEx= 国内罕见的三菱SIGMA,使用的是6G72 3.0引擎。这代SIGMA其实就是欧版Diamante,比Galant高一个级别,是三菱仅次于Proudia的高级车型
B]X8KzLu ~&<#H+O q}LDFsU 附图:Sigma和Diamante的区别
Xd(^7~i `\UY5n72 The Japanese market Diamante was a four-door hardtop with no window sashes. Five months after the Diamante's launch, Mitsubishi also introduced the Sigma, which was different from the Diamante with its slightly taller roofline, six-windows as opposed to four-window glasshouse, window sashes, and front/rear treatment
MltO.K! "9caoPI0~ 3x;UAi+& 欧洲市场的Sigma
V?Jy cr!8Tp;2A
7ui<2(W@0 米国市场的Diamante
8$}<4 `39 \*t\=4 二者长宽也不同,Diamante要大一号
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